Specificity of social and political reality against a background of Ralf Dahrendorf’s theory of social conflicts


The society and its determinants in which a man can realize one’s potential playing certain
roles are in a general sense the theme of sociological analyses. Ralf Dahrendorf (1929–2009) as a
sociologist in an analysis of social structures refers to the meaning of conflicts. In his opinion,
conflicts are not only the resultant of a clash of opposite options/positions, but they express a
way of existence of the society willing to serve the individual by working out the best solutions to
social and political problems. The article consists of two parts. In the first part the theory of
conflicts is presented in general whereas in the second part it is shown how the theory is
applicable to social and political life.
Key words: Ralf Dahrendorf, the theory of conflicts, a conflict, society, crisis, politics, social