Prawidłowa emisja głosu a ekspresja wokalna


Proper vocal emission is essential both to speaking and singing. It influences the awareness of keeping the vocal organ healthy, creates favourable conditions for the widely understood self-development and the interpersonal communication as well as it is the key to professional success.
The connection between proper vocal emission and vocal expression is evident. Without the conscious union between the respiratory, phonal and articulatory activities and the resonance it is difficult to imagine safe and beautiful vocal emission. The scope of influence of the principles of the vocal emission technique, in connection with means of artistic expression as for singing, should be emphasized.
The introduction to the problem of vocal education will be the discussion on the correct, natural body posture and its essential activeness as well as its ease and relaxation.
Reference to the structure of the respiratory organ as well as to its functioning should be enriched by the overall breathing exercises and combined with the breathing assistance technique and the conscious breath control, which leads to the proper channeling of, the emitted in the larynx, sound into the resonator base. While singing, it is important to obtain the proper functioning of vocal ligaments as well as the state of larynx relaxation which is connected with its opening and lowering. Owing to the use of the larynx as the first resonator, the shaping of the tone of the voice, a very important feature of vocal sound, can be influenced. In order to use the larynx properly, though, it is essential to realize its structure and functioning.
Beautiful and loud sound is the outcome of many factors, among others, the exhalation based on the breathing assistance which produces pure vocal effect in the larynx. Then, it is placed in the front, behind the teeth. In this way the sound is transmitted to the head resonator so that it is amplified and enriched in harmonious tones.
The proper articulation gives the possibilities of keeping the sound in the head resonator. It involves mainly the functioning of the tongue which is responsible for the shaping of consonants, as well as influencing the position of larynx and the space of resonators with changeable shapes.
A beautiful voice is tonally uniform regardless of an uttered word and the pitch of a sound. Its sound is uniform as for the tone and it is intonationally clear and expressive. It is essential to balance both the vowels and registers. The revision of the rules concerning the functioning of vocal registers allows practicing the techniques of their integration and achieving full, rich in aliquot tones sound.
One of the more important parameters in the assessment of singing is the strength, that is the loudness and audibility of it. It is the basic requirement for the voice to be strong and to be always heard by the audience. In order to fulfill this requirement the close (high) voice position and the full use of resonant spaces as well as the conscious management of the articulatory organs are needed.
All the elements of proper voice emission supported by the means of artistic expression, such as dynamics and vocal techniques e. g. messa di voce and different kinds of music articulation constitute the vocal expression. Apart from that, the perfect preparation of the piece of music and its deep interpretation as well as the acoustic requirements of the concert hall give hope to an interesting artistic effect. Moreover, the singer's certain physical features which directly influence the music transmission are important. Apart from musical gift, the well-structured vocal organ and the psychical resistance, another indispensable factor is simply talent, the essence of which is the ability to evoke certain active emotional readiness and the ability to show it with the help of the voice. An important condition, an apparently obvious one, is creating the atmosphere of internal joy as a certain stage in the process of singing preparation as well as the indispensable state present while experiencing music.

tłum. Magdalena Gałan