Escape from responsibility in politics


One of the forms of escape from accepting responsibility for others is so called political passiveness or indifference, selfenclosure within issues of one’s own, within household and family problems, and leaving common issues and interests off the margin even if they can be decisive in ethically significant issues of an entire state. More and more anxiety is shown when citizens’ passiveness and indifference are mentioned to social issue of their own country. Cooperation in democracy has to meet certain conditions so as to be morally acceptable. A very important role in democracy, following what the Church has so often emphasized, is performed by representatives of the whole society, that is, most frequently, the parliament. The democracy that was proposed to the contemporary world by John Paul II, is the democracy of Christian personalism. It refers to the basic values of good and the truth of existence, which – in the case of believers – fully manifest themselves by means of faith, and in the case of non-believers can be discovered via rational cognition. Such a democracy connects believers and non-believers, requires faithfulness to specific values which are designated with the use of the objective criterion of good and evil.
Key words: responsibility, politics, democracy, state, society, common good
odpowiedzialność, polityka, demokracja, państwo, społeczeństwo, dobro, wspólne