Resposibility and media in the teching of John Paul II


Responsibility is the first and most important condition necessary for the media to be properly used. The statements pertains both to creators and recipients as well as to institutions that are standing by, being qualified to perform educational activities, such as the Church, the state, school, or family. The present paper is an attempt to look at the media from the responsibility perspective in the context of the teaching of John Paul II. The papal teaching reveals three aspects: first, it is about the responsibility of creators and editors for the media; second, it is about a responsible usage of the media; finally, it is about the social responsibility for the two above-mentioned aspects. Journalists are responsible for the shape and effects of their work; recipients are responsible for what they take advantage of and how; and yet, the state, the Church and family also take responsibility for everything that takes place in this respect in the closest community.
Key words: responsibility, media, John Paul II, Internet