John Paul II’s care about emigrants and Polonia


There is no doubt that catholic Church activity abroad (outside of Poland) is very important element in building national-cultural awareness in life of Poles. Often times one can see in catholic Church just the institutional structures. Ofcourse, these structures have a huge meaning and important place in life of Church. But beside that dimmension Church is most of all spiritual. That spiritual dimmension points on the fact that in life of the Church on emigration participates a lot more people than in life of organization. There should be a question raised: what is going to happen to Poles abroad? Are they going to give up to asimilation process in Eurpean Union, or maybe not: because of easy contact with Poland they will deepen their awareness and develop even more their cultural activity? Everything depends on the level of development of the national awareness. John Paul the Second often mentioned about this very important heritage of Church’s presence in polish emigration.
Key words: Polonia, emigration, priesthood, polish organizations abroad