People – the subject of common good


Serving the subjectivity of society is the sense of activity of all social and state institutions. Its objective is making all citizens feel at home with and be in charge of possibly the greatest number of social affairs. At the foundation of the process of the creation of the subjectivity of an individual within society lies the principle of subsidiarity. It indicates that the only personal and independent being is the human being; accordingly, every community is at the same time a being that exists through and for a person. Community is thus of ancillary and intentional character – its only objective is the human being and their development. The principle of subsidiarity show that the rights of a person are the source of any social rights. It is an ethical principle: the well-being of a person is the substance of social good. The paper is an attempt at analytical presentation of people, that is of a person and of society, as the subject of common good in the context of the challenges of the contemporary civilisation.
Key words: People, a person, society, the principle of subsidiarity, social development, common good, justice