Problem prostytucji w średniowiecznym Krakowie. Jana Falkenberga Iudicium de aedificandis domis pro meretricibus


The problem of prostitution in the medieval Cracow.
Iudicium de ae
dificandis domis pro meretricibus
by John Falkenberg
The author focuses on the question of
prostitution in the medieval Cracow in the light of edited
himself treaty by John Falkenberg
Iudicium de aedificandis domis pro mere
. Writing his treaty
Falkenberg was trying, at the request of the Municipal Co
uncil, answer the following ques
tions: do
laws established by people allow the existence of prostitutes, and: can the ruler of the city or
councillors build brothels, put prostitutes there and then profit from such business. The text contains a
short review of the problem of prostitution
in Cracow of that time as well as the explanati of a context
in which Fal
kenberg’s work was written. In the last part of the article, the author presents a two
edition of the treaty.