Święcenia duchowieństwa przez biskupa krakowskiego Jana Rzszowskiego (+ 1488)


Holy Orders of the Clergy given by Jan Rzeszowski
The study presents Holy Orders of the Clergy given by Jan Rzeszowski the bishop of Cracow. Two
registers of acolytes ordained by the Cracow ordinary between the y
ears 1473 and 1473 in Kunow and
Bodzentyn were used as the source of the study. The regi
sters were included in the bishop’s book of
duties, presently kept in the Archives of Me
tropolitan Curia in Cracow.
The registers contain data of 21 persons who were
ordained acolytes by the Cracow bishop. It is
interesting that both ceremonies took place on Sunday. In 1473 as well as in 1475 the bishop ordained
the presented clergy in places which were the capitals of gro
ups of land estates of the Cracow
holding prominent places in the structure of the diocese.
The registers of persons ordained by Jan Rzeszowski from 1473 and 1475 are the ol
dest relics of
that kind, coming from the lands belonging to Poland and described in the subject literature so far.