Freedom and independence of television – the road to a fair media.


Freedom and independence of television – the road to a fair media. Freedom
and independence are prerequisites for fair coverage in the media. Only in such
an atmosphere, the media, and especially television can perform social tasks assigned
to them. Freedom and independence are also the space that allows respect for
fundamental values , including Christian values in the media. Respect of Christian
values in the media is primarily an attempt to defend man against all that undermines
man’s dignity, all that degrades man to the role of an object, all that makes
man an object of various manipulations. Culture free from such threats can be created
and participated in only in an atmosphere of freedom. For every desire to participate
in the truth and the good becomes impossible in the conditions of coercion
and enslavement.
Keywords: justice, media, television, freedom, independence, John Paul II, responsibility, value,