Egzystencjalno-etyczne dylematy ludzkiej pracy


Existential and ethical dilemma of human work. Work constitutes the source, the
material and the object of the prevailing part of human life, human existence and
the process of becoming a human being, revealing human ethos. On the other hand,
“inhumane” work may become a destructive force for humanity, resulting in various
alienations. It is human work that “integrates” and bad work that disintegrates the
lives of both individuals and communities. Work is a special means for the meeting
between a human being and, first of all, nature and its phenomena, then, between
a human being and other people as well as the so-called economic life. The phenomenon
of the “meeting” results in a number of moral dilemmas. The first dilemma
discussed by the author of the present article is the dilemma of the urgent need
to discover the spirit of human work anew. We must not forget that any crisis in this
field is conditioned by a prior moral crisis. This is a source of dilemmas. The second
dilemma is the “betrayal of Solidarity”. The first polish Solidarity was above all
a moral movement, an expression of the need in society to return to the principles
of honesty and the need to undeceive life. These goals still remain valid in the lives
of working people. The third group of dilemmas concern the “problems of prosperity.”
All the dilemmas result from the fact that there are strong crises today, not only
in the field of work. The existential experience shows us that there are moments
of great peril as well as great opportunities for humanity and for the world, moments
that are followed by great responsibility for everyone. Responsibility for life
becomes the key solution to human problems.