Religijność subiektywna młodzieży o uzdolnieniach artystycznych - analiza jakościowa


The subjective religiousness among youth – qualitative analysis. This article discuses
the role of subjective religiousness among contemporary people. The theoretical
and empirical approaches showing that while modernization does have
secularizing effects, it also provokes a reaction that more often strengthens religion
(especially subjective, intensive, autonomic religiousness). In this paper projection
method were used to examine the functioning of subjective religiousness among
artistically gifted young people. Ss (N=296 aged 15–20 yrs) had to finish sentences:
1. “I’m sadly …”, 2. “I treasure, I like …”, 3. “Rational analysis…”, 4. “God in my life...” .
The results of qualitative analysis suggest that subjective religiousness have common
and specific dimensions (conditioning, consequence meaning and typology). The
findings revealed that the majority of the youth define themselves from one hand
as nontraditional and not orthodox, from second hand as ultra religious and mystical.
His religiousness is deep, latent and emotionally very intensive. Implications are
considered for future research on religiousness.