Postulat infoetyki. Infoetyka jako prawo miłości dla współczesnej mediosfery


Infoethics. Due to the appearance of new information technologies which contain
specific characteristics, the sphere of modern media needs to re-engage with the issues
of media ethics, particularly the ethics of journalism. Therefore, Pope Benedict
XVI presented a postulate on infoethics. Infoethics is not a new field, but rather, it
draws on the Law of God and the achievements of Christian ethics as well as the ethics
of journalism. Thus, we treat it on the one hand as normative ethics with standard
values and on the other hand as moral law which draws on the foundations of Christian
thought. Within this framework, infoethics concerns unprecedented problems
for both the Internet and traditional media. Changes in the nature of the journalist’s
work are reason for the formulation of supplemental codes of ethics. The same principles
of formulation, however, are not enough. Therefore, the primary criterion of
infoethics, and of all ethical conduct, is love.