Integrująca rola mediów: spojrzenie z perspektywy misterium stworzenia-zbawienia
- Autorzy: Wojciech Misztal
- Czasopismo: Studia Socialia Cracoviensia, 10 2014, s. 43
Integrating role of the media. The perspective of the mystery of creation-salvation.
The article refers to the relations between the social life, the mass media, and
the spirituality. This subject is more and more relevant and important. Today the
social changes and the technological development seems to be accompanied by an
increased interest in spirituality. The article presents the multidimensionality of
integration and the associated consequences as well as the instruments which are
used to build a community. Then the mystery of creation-salvation is shown as
archeglobalization (the Greek word archê means “beginning”, but also “first cause”,
“rule”). In this context the media are presented as an instrument of building the
The article refers to the relations between the social life, the mass media, and
the spirituality. This subject is more and more relevant and important. Today the
social changes and the technological development seems to be accompanied by an
increased interest in spirituality. The article presents the multidimensionality of
integration and the associated consequences as well as the instruments which are
used to build a community. Then the mystery of creation-salvation is shown as
archeglobalization (the Greek word archê means “beginning”, but also “first cause”,
“rule”). In this context the media are presented as an instrument of building the