Integrująca rola dochodzenia do porozumienia w teorii działania komunikacyjnego Jürgena Habermasa


An integrating role of the seeking agreement in the theory of communicative
action of Jürgen Habermas. While appreciating the role of the Enlightenment
Jürgen Habermas also understands the difficulties of its primacy of rationality. Inadequacy
of instrumental interpretation of rationality leads the German philosopher
to the formulation of the theory of communicative action. In this theory the
search for an agreement becomes the basis for an action; this theory replaces and
complements the conception of the action formulated by Max Weber. Moreover, it
is the language and more specifically the whole process of communication that reveals
complicated social reality. The importance of these theoretical considerations
is shown in bioethical reflection, mainly in regard to the eugenics.