Jak ewangelizować świat cyfrowy? Wskazania Benedykta XVI w orędziach na Światowe Dni Środków Społecznego Przekazu


How to evangelize the digital world. Suggestions from pope Benedict XVI’s
messages for World Communications Days. In recent years we have been able
to observe a remarkable growth of media and new forms of communication. This
new world is an opportunity and a challenge for the Church. Pope Benedict XVI in
his Messages for World Communications Day has urged us to undertake the work
of evangelization of the digital world. He entrusted this task primarily to priests
and young Catholics, and the special place for bearing witness should be the social
networks. In Benedict’s messages certain principles for evangelizers of the digital
world can be found. According to the author of the article these are: inculturation,
authenticity, respect and dialogue, silence, direct human contact. Finally, the author
formulates the Digital Evangelizer Decalogue.