Przezwyciężanie wykluczeń w nowoczesnej cywilizacji globalno-cyfrowej – rola duchowości chrześcijańskiej


The overcoming of the exclusions in modern global-digital civilization – the role
of the Christian spirituality. The article presents the actuality and the potential of
the Christian spirituality. First the attention is drew to the Christian theological interpretation
of the genesis of the exclusions. Such an approach is essential to evaluate
the Christian understanding of the exclusions and the importance of the overcoming
them: the exclusions are not something normal, but pathological, the
overcoming them is a positive and necessary process. The process of the overcoming
of the exclusions was thus shown to be an essential part of the realization
of the mystery of creation-salvation both in its temporal and eschatological dimensions.
On such a basis, i.e., in the light of the theological understanding of the genesis
and the removal of the exclusions, the article shows some of the elements of the
process of overcoming of the exclusions in the modern global-digital civilization.