Zjawisko wykluczenia społecznego więźniów i osób opuszczających ośrodki penitencjarne. Analiza problemu i możliwości przeciwdziałania zjawisku


The phenomenon of social exclusion of prisoners and ex-prisoners. Creative
reflection on the problem and means for counteraction. Nowadays, it is very
easy to exclude someone not only from our lives but also from the society. Prisoners
and ex-prisoners are undoubtedly socially rejected people often treated like
outcasts. The author of the article was not interested in an empirical research, but
rather he aimed to point out the existing problem and eventual attempts to counteract
it. After describing the issue of social exclusion and its effects on the post
prison societies, the author focuses on difficulties and hardships they struggle with
in the real life. The author provides us with an in-depth analysis of conclusions
concerning different types of help and support for inmates, institutional support
(not only for inmates in prison but also for released convicts) and lasting changes
that need to be made. The conclusion of the paper is the call for reform that should
take place not only in the structures of the state but first of all in the way of thinking
of contemporary people.