Odpowiedzialność w życiu społecznym jako fundament budowania wspólnoty w ujęciu księdza Franciszka Mirka (1893–1970)


Social responsibility as a community foundation from the perspective of
Rev. Franciszek Mirek (1893–1970). The article concerns the concept of responsibility
by Franciszek Mirek in relation to social life and the creation of
community. The first part is about priest Franciszek Mirek himself, who is an
exceptional figure in Polish sociology – although unfortunately, he has been
forgotten. Responsibility is often defined as the relation of an acting subject to
its own free and the deliberate acts which are associated with bearing adequate
consequences. In accordance with the content of responsibility the following
stand out: civil liability, which is associated with the obligation to repair any attempt
to bring another to harm, criminal responsibility, which includes – criminal
activities, and moral responsibility of the entity for good and evil embodied
by him in action. Franciszek Mirek emphasized that only a citizen who truly
knows – responsibility for the common good may contribute to the good of the
country and society.