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The biblical meaning of heart.

The main topic of this paper is to reconsider how to understand the meaning of heart in philosophy of God and faith following through its sense including in Hebrew philosophy. It is seems that it is impossible to understand the Hebrew thought without the role of heart and body and as a consequence of human sensuality. Man’s existence accomplishes itself in spirituality and sensuality in equal measure. In Hebrew thought there is no separation of body and spirit. Body and soul are entwined in cooperation which is unknown in Greek philosophy. Thinking traces its roots back to heart which is very sensual. Heart is the space where thoughts, freedom and action and feelings arise. This is why faith cannot be called irrational. It is deeply rational but at the same time an action which absorbs all human being with all its components is sensual for faith. It is not possible to close reality of faith in pure thought for such does not exist. Every thought is deeply sensual. This is why faith is most of all a matter of action. Moreover, time is something that helps creation to reveal its vocation. Greek philosophy finds in time a big threat to life. Time is a destroyer. In the Hebrew thought time is understood as a constant development, innovation and creativity. This topic was taken up in Blaise Pascal’s philosophy of heart and Maurice Blondel’s philosophy of action and it is still worth to explore and study.