Służebna funkcja muzyki w Księgach liturgicznych w języku polskim po Soborze Watykańskim II


Post-conciliar liturgical books in the Polish language correspond, in their shape and content, to the model Latin editions. They assume a common celebration of liturgy in which every participant, both a minister and a member of the congregation, fulfils their function. Books, however, even those in most beautiful artistic setting, as in a case of the book of the Gospel, are not liturgy itself but rather a kind of record resembling a musical score, a sort of a program established by Church authorities responsible for the shape, doctrinal correctness and beauty of liturgy. Liturgical books assume faith and good will of all the people responsible for shaping and celebrating liturgy. This requires accepting with gratitude the material given to us which is biblical readings, prayer formulas, singing, as well as clear legal-liturgical rules demanding some obedience of faith and not tolerating unjustified and arbitrary improvisation.
In Polish post-conciliar liturgical books music occupies an important place given to it by the Second Vatican Council and many documents published in the period initiated by Tra le sollecitudini motu proprio (22 November 1903) and in the four decades following the Council. Thus we should keep in mind three documents: the above mentioned motu proprio by St.Pious X, Musicam sacram instruction (5 March 1967) and a handwritten letter of John Paul II (22 November 2003) at a centenary of Tra sollecitudini motu proprio. That prescriptive repertoire should be also broadened by An instruction on liturgical music after the Vatican Council issued by the Conference of the Polish Episcopate (8 February 1979).
The Polish Episcopate Subcommittee on Church Music, diocesan committees, musicians and musicologists face now a task of organizing a repertoire of liturgical singing and composing songs whose shortage is still discernible - songs adapted to the cycle of Christ's mysteries within a liturgical year, songs in honour of saints, and the ones accompanying liturgy of sacraments. The work started by the publishing of A liturgical songbook (1991) should be continued to obtain a uniform publication, similar to the German Gotteslob, available to all participants of post-conciliar liturgy.

(Translated by Ewa Walaszczyk)