The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow

Lifelong Learning Programme ERASMUS

The Erasmus programme is the Higher Education section of the European Community action programme called Lifelong Learning Programme in the field of education. The programme is the EU's flagship education and training programme, emphasising student and staff mobility and co-operation of higher education institutions and other key players across Europe. It supports the creation of a European Higher Education Area through increased mobility - over 1.5 million students have participated since 1987.

The programme was named after Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536), the famous Dutch humanist and theologian who lived and worked in many places in Europe to expand his knowledge and gain new insights.

Licentiate/Doctorate Studies

Studies for licentiate and doctorate are full-time studies and last for four years. First two are for the Licentiate and the other two for the Doctorate. Studies for Licentiate end with obtaining the Licentiate of Theology degree based on the disertion and the final exam. The bearer of the Licentiate diploma from the other academic schools are admited for the third year (first for Doctorate) of studies.

During the first and second year of studies for Licentiate 3 basic lectures and 4 monographic lectures are required, as well as latin and one of modern language (completed with an exam) and an academic seminar. This gives 80 ECTS.

According to supervisor suggestions students of biblical theology and patrology seminars are additionally obliged to take the intermediate level lectorate of biblical language.

During the third year of studies (first for Doctorate) 2 monographic lectures, academic seminary (60 ECTS), modern language commission exam (different to Licentiate level) must be credited. The fourth year of studies (the second for Doctorate) is dedicated for finalising the disertation and for doctorate exams, including the basic and additional discipline (Church history or philosophy).

Subjects and exams