Contemporary problems in Ethics (2014/15)




The main aim of the course is to make students interested in ethical debates through presentation of remarkable positions held in selected, basic ethical issues. Students are also expected to become acquainted with ethical terminology in English. Additional aim of the course is to encourage students to conduct further, independent researches on ethical issues.
The meetings are expected to be conversatories (discussion seesion): active participation of the students is expected.

Treści kształcenia

During the lecture we will focus on selected important contemporary problem in ethics.
T_1 Moral agency
T_2 Do we have to be religious to be moral?
T_3 Moral dilemmas
T_4 Love and morality
T_5 Moral responsibility
T_6 Law and morality
T_7 Business ethics

Efekty kształcenia

Ew_1. zna ogólny stan badań w zakresie wybranych współczesnych problemów etyki (K_W05). Knows general state of research in the area of selected contemporary problems in ethics

Metody dydaktyczne

M_1 lecture
M_2 discussion

Sposoby sprawdzania i warunki zaliczenia

W_1 Speaking exam
At least 2 weeks before the end of term a date of exam will be determined. During the exam, students will be asked 3 questions related to the knowledge provided during the lecture. The aim of the questions is to check if the students met the course objectives. The score of the exam will be 50% of the total mark.
W_2 Assessing of activity
Students’ activity will be assessed on every meeting. Students are supposed to take part in discussion, prove to understand presented views, present arguments “pro and contra” and express own position. The average score of “Assessing of activity” will be 50% of the total mark.

Lektury uzupełniające

1. Ch. Gowans (ed.), Moral Dilemmas, New York – Oxford 1987.
2. A. Goldman, The moral foundations of Professional ethics, New Jersey 1980.
3. R. Holloway, Godless Morality, Edinburgh 2004.
4. K. Wojtyła, Love and responsibility, transl. H. T. Willetts, London – New York 1981.
5. D. Furrow, Ethics, Key concepcts in philosophy, New York 2005.


Your active participation is expected.